Tragic Love Story Part 1
Saturday, June 19, 2010
@ 11:58 AM

long time never update my blog hee hee

Anyway i saw my story in an old blog so i decided to post it here

You see, I was supposed to be married by now, with a guy who loved me

But I dun think I will have a fairytale ending to this tragic story and it has left me with a deep regret which I would bear in my heart for the rest of my life..

This is my story...

I knew him from an online game 三国online (5 years ago I think), where we would spend hours training and leveling up and simply jus chat together most of the time. I only regarded him as a very good friend who understands me and I would call him whenever I felt down (which was like almost every few days coz I was suffering from depression at that time) . He would listen to me cry on the phone and he would offer words of comfort and encouragement. I even talked to him till i fell asleep one time haha. Slowly we drifted apart coz the both of us dun play that game anymore...After that for a period of time, I withdrew myself from my friends and did not contact any of them. Even though he sent me smses, I didn't bother to reply them..

Slowly I got out of depression (that will be told in another story), and one day for no reason he came into mind and I sent him a sms just to show concern for a friend. I didn't expect to get a reply from him. At first, we chatted as friends for a few days. I was surprised he still remembers my favorite songs in the past (even I had forgotten what was it) and stuff bout me. He hinted to me that he likes me but I was afraid to venture into another relationship. One day, he revealed to me that he was waiting for me during the time that we lost contact. (that'll be 3 years). Though a lot of girls fancied him, he didn't get into any relationships with them just because he believed that I would contact him again one day and that'll be the time that he will tell me that he loves me..He was involved in an accident once and almost died but he told himself to hold on because he have not told me he love me yet...I was touched and though he was a lot younger than me, I accepted his love..

After that we spent lots of happy times together, mostly on the phone..and I even met him several times when he came to Singapore..His plans was to earn enough money and then we would get married and then he would open a cybercafe in Penang and give me a good life..He was working in a pub in Penang then, working for 14 hours everyday and saving up money in order to marry me.. I even had dreams of exchanging vows in a place where there is snow and he promised me that he will make it come true...My friends and colleagues asked me how is it that I can manage to handle a long distance relationship where I dunno whether he would do things behind my back, I told them that I had complete trust in him coz if he wanted to do all these he would not have waited for me for 3 years. (Ya.. V silly right?)

However, one day I received a call from him saying that he has to go into hiding because he has broke the law..And he was gone, leaving me devastated...For half a year I tried to call him to no avail coz his phone would be off all the time.. Therefore I forced myself to forget him..

hmm this true story is not complete... hopefully I'm not too lazy to post part 2 soon

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
@ 9:46 AM

Hmm so long never update my blog...
Let's see there was a Manhattan Fish Market Outing with Anyhw, QT honey, Sho and Bish... the food quite yummy and the lobster was v big...

Then there was a Accompany QT Honey to Buy Blueberry Cookies at Daiso Outing with Qt honey, Anyhw and Bish

Then there was a KickAss movie outing with QT honey, Sho and bishie

Then there was a KTV outing with QT honey, Sho and Tianyou kor kor at Downtown East
where i found out QT honey really sing like siao char bo.. hee hee

Then there was a Chapati and Cheesecake outing at Singpost with Bish and Emme Mama...

Then there was a Pizza and Ice cream outing at J8 and UE square with Bish, QT honey and U kor kor...

Lastly the Visit Sho at Work outing on Mon with Bish and QT honey...

Wah seh every week will see alamak chatters almost twice a week sia... now my life is so happening with these new friends i made.. I love outings with alamak chatters~ yeah...

Oh ya... now that Sho is working liao, he look more energetic (and more handsome) than last time when he looked like a zombie so happy for him =)

No matter wat u do Sho, I will be your no 1 supporter~ Jia You~ hope ur deops period will be over soon... sigh

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
@ 8:35 AM

True friends....
1) will come to your defense whenever you get into trouble
2) when they are in trouble and you wanna help them they will ask u to stay outta it coz they do not wan to involve u in their trouble
3) will call everyone's hp to find you when you are at a gathering coz they are worried bout ur safety and they can't reach u at ur hp coz the batt went flat
4) will walk a long distance for u coz you've had a drink too much and walk with u to a safe place so u can have a good rest
5) will forgive you no matter how angry they are... jus bcoz they care about u and wan u to change ur wrongdoings
6) will not betray you when u r in trouble...

Last week .. I learnt who my true frens in Alamak are.. i've discovered who will stand by me in times of trouble... and who will backstab and betray me when i create trouble accidentally...

To those who claim they are matured and yet act so childish... to those attention seekers who betrayed me.. to those farkers that ganged up on my friend... U can all go to hell...

To my Sho, QT, Granddottie and Bish and the rest of my friends, I hope our friendship will stay strong and last long till the end of time~ I love you all~ muacks~

7 Signs that He Likes Me?
Monday, March 29, 2010
@ 7:08 AM

Let's recap what happened that day....

1) He asked me to accompany him go to the Career Fair... He seldom invite me out one leh... in the pm he said... "Can accompany me go suntec?" which I said ok lor...
2) When I wanted to go home at 11+pm, he asked me to stay overnight at his place.... He said "Come lah accompany me lah" which my heart softened and i agreed
3) When We joked to Bishie bout me being her mummy, he said "Then Bish, u must call me daddy, since Jess is ur mummy"
4) When he joked to his brother's friend that he is 30... he said "We look like couple ma, so he will believe that i'm 30"
5) He asked me "Can I lean on ur body?" then he leaned on my lap for a while...
6) He didn't mind when I leaned my head on his shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulders when I watched "the Nanny"... and when watching do his stuff and alamaking the next day
7) He said "Hmm U never kissed me?" I was stunned and didn't know how to react.. so I gave him a air kiss... I wonder wat will happen if i gave him a real kiss?

Anyway.... I'm surprised that he knows Selena Quintanilla-Perez (she's a legend) too... And we both like her a lot... that day we talked bout her and visited her website together....

And he looks so angelic when he sleeps... aw... my heart was beating so fast that day.... hope on the coming BBQ can get to do more stuff with him.. and hope i can get to spend the long weekend with him too heez....

More Outings, More Food
Sunday, March 28, 2010
@ 8:15 AM

Okay honey I've updated my blog *Hee Hee*

After the outing on tues...

Bishie and Kathy were at orchard eating cake.. Bishie was asking me whether I wanted to go... I thought bout it but in the end I took bus 22 home instead of going down to meet them.. On the bus while alamaking I received a call from CYN... then I announced on main that I'm meeting a chio bu for dinner, somehow Sho knew I was meeting CYN lo so li hai *applauds*... then me and CYN went to the Spagheddi at Bedok for dinner... i forgot wat we had ... I had some Creamy Chicken and Soup of the day minestrone soup and vanilla icecream..Overall it's quite nice and I forgot wat CYN ate i only remember it was Penne lol... then we dropped by library a while coz i had to borrow some books then we walked home... hmmm... CYN is a v nice girl to talk with.. I can relate to her a lot and I think her eyes looks like Liu Jia Ling... hmm i wanna see her dog and her brother (whom i heard is handsome) though.. hee hee

After work I went to eat dinner with QT honey and Bishie at Secret Recipe Suntec... It was very cold there sia... QT honey and I ate the Chicken Corden Bleu... which is apparently just Chicken Cutlet with Cheese Sausage in it... the taste was like too cheesy to me... and I had the soup... mushroom soup which is quite okie and yoghurt Cheesecake (yummy)... oh ya and lasagne... and a bit of honey's apple crumble brownie... so full sia then QT honey choked on her Americano cheesecake and I tot she vomited out and I was quite shocked for that moment coz I tot honey ate too much liao haha...

After that QT and bishie accompanied me to toilet and we walked to Millenia Walk and used the display laptops at Harvey Norman to go in Alamak (haha we are really Alamak Addicts)... then Bishie and honey went home by bus while I walked to City Hall MRT by myself....

Morning 11plus I woke up and went in to Alamak... when I was thinking about whether to order Pasta Mania or cooking the delicious CQYD noodles when Sho asked me to accompany him go Suntec to the JobsDB career fair... So I said okay lor... QT honey worked till 1pm so I asked her to meet us too... I met Sho at Bedok Interchange then we took MRT down to City Hall and walked to Suntec..The Career fair like nothing de... last year I went too got lotsa stuff and I even got free cotton candy... This year registration alone is so troublesome..... and had to upload resume and dun have free cotton candy... haha

After that we walked to marina square and decided to eat at Cafe Cartel although their soup not nice but their Seafood Platter and cheesecake was quite nice (QT honey still did not get to eat her blueberry cheese cake haha) after that we walked around and passed by a shop where the top glass of the shop broke into pieces (I wonder how it broke sia?) and then QT honey went home while me and Sho went to his house to drink alcohol w bish

Aching Feet...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
@ 9:15 AM

Spent the afternoon w Bish today first we went to Amoy Street Food Centre to eat mee soto (which was v spicy) then went to the bank to settle some stuff (and got the bad news that only ppl who r earning bout 2k can apply for the education loan, shit i have to settle my fees fast, where am i to get the money?) After that we went to VivoCity Bens & Jerry coz today is free cone day and queued there for like half hour to get free ice cream (but it was worth the wait coz Bens & Jerry ice cream v nice) and I ate mango sherbet ice cream and Bish ate the choco macadamia ice cream..

After tat we went back to my place and met Sho at Bedok interchange at 5.40pm.. then the 3 of us went down to Lavender to wait for the shuttle bus to city square (but ended up walking halfway and taking the public transport to City Square Mall instead) then met QT for dinner at Long John Silver for dinner and after tat Emme (who almost fly airplane) then we walked to Mustafa (ended up in 2 wrong sections of Mustafa) then Bish, Sho and me sat outside Mustafa while QT honey and Emme went to shop for tidbits for her boyfriend.. then we walked to Emme's tua huay shop... then i blur blur follow them to the bus stop and realised there's no bus for me to take home...

So i had to drag my aching feet to the mrt and took the mrt home... Aw man... it was a torture walking home.. but I survived walking to the beat of rock music forcing myself to walk faster... Hence now my feet r like v sore... dotz...

Eat and Eat and Eat
Monday, March 22, 2010
@ 8:55 AM

Yesterday met Cyn again for dinner at KFC, then we went to watson's and bought her contact lenses solutions and she bought a drink and i bought some cooling water at cheers then we chatted at my void deck for a while before she went home.. hmm... Cyn looks like some actress.. but i'm still thinking who is it... but i'm glad to have a friend that I can talk to...

Today met Bish at bedok interchange... anyway I seems to know more of being an ops than her... lol... Anyway we went to eat maggie mee goreng at the store that claimed to be the branch from Jalan Kayu Prata shop.. it turned out ok la although we were still hungry after eating the mee and ordered one tissue thosai to share... then we sat at the block opposite my house and ate ice cream.. and chit chat.. and I nagged at her a bit.. hope some of my words will go into her brain lol

Tommorrow meeting QT honey, emme and Bish go city square and then to mustafas... then emme wanna go Kommalas and eat... Dotz eat again lol

Anyway I dreamt bout S french kissing me yesterday... hee *blush* Y did i have tat dream wor? Gosh I'm really too infatuated...

I'm just a normal human being... 80% of the time acting crazy, 20% emo.... Half good and half evil.... My calling as I believe it is to be a counsellor. For I have nothing, except a heart who cares a lot....

» AhGal
» Lin
» MinisterMenTaL
» QT

March 2010April 2010June 2010