Tuesday, April 27, 2010
@ 9:46 AM

Hmm so long never update my blog...
Let's see there was a Manhattan Fish Market Outing with Anyhw, QT honey, Sho and Bish... the food quite yummy and the lobster was v big...

Then there was a Accompany QT Honey to Buy Blueberry Cookies at Daiso Outing with Qt honey, Anyhw and Bish

Then there was a KickAss movie outing with QT honey, Sho and bishie

Then there was a KTV outing with QT honey, Sho and Tianyou kor kor at Downtown East
where i found out QT honey really sing like siao char bo.. hee hee

Then there was a Chapati and Cheesecake outing at Singpost with Bish and Emme Mama...

Then there was a Pizza and Ice cream outing at J8 and UE square with Bish, QT honey and U kor kor...

Lastly the Visit Sho at Work outing on Mon with Bish and QT honey...

Wah seh every week will see alamak chatters almost twice a week sia... now my life is so happening with these new friends i made.. I love outings with alamak chatters~ yeah...

Oh ya... now that Sho is working liao, he look more energetic (and more handsome) than last time when he looked like a zombie so happy for him =)

No matter wat u do Sho, I will be your no 1 supporter~ Jia You~ hope ur deops period will be over soon... sigh

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
@ 8:35 AM

True friends....
1) will come to your defense whenever you get into trouble
2) when they are in trouble and you wanna help them they will ask u to stay outta it coz they do not wan to involve u in their trouble
3) will call everyone's hp to find you when you are at a gathering coz they are worried bout ur safety and they can't reach u at ur hp coz the batt went flat
4) will walk a long distance for u coz you've had a drink too much and walk with u to a safe place so u can have a good rest
5) will forgive you no matter how angry they are... jus bcoz they care about u and wan u to change ur wrongdoings
6) will not betray you when u r in trouble...

Last week .. I learnt who my true frens in Alamak are.. i've discovered who will stand by me in times of trouble... and who will backstab and betray me when i create trouble accidentally...

To those who claim they are matured and yet act so childish... to those attention seekers who betrayed me.. to those farkers that ganged up on my friend... U can all go to hell...

To my Sho, QT, Granddottie and Bish and the rest of my friends, I hope our friendship will stay strong and last long till the end of time~ I love you all~ muacks~

I'm just a normal human being... 80% of the time acting crazy, 20% emo.... Half good and half evil.... My calling as I believe it is to be a counsellor. For I have nothing, except a heart who cares a lot....

» AhGal
» Lin
» MinisterMenTaL
» QT

March 2010April 2010June 2010