Tragic Love Story Part 1
Saturday, June 19, 2010
@ 11:58 AM

long time never update my blog hee hee

Anyway i saw my story in an old blog so i decided to post it here

You see, I was supposed to be married by now, with a guy who loved me

But I dun think I will have a fairytale ending to this tragic story and it has left me with a deep regret which I would bear in my heart for the rest of my life..

This is my story...

I knew him from an online game 三国online (5 years ago I think), where we would spend hours training and leveling up and simply jus chat together most of the time. I only regarded him as a very good friend who understands me and I would call him whenever I felt down (which was like almost every few days coz I was suffering from depression at that time) . He would listen to me cry on the phone and he would offer words of comfort and encouragement. I even talked to him till i fell asleep one time haha. Slowly we drifted apart coz the both of us dun play that game anymore...After that for a period of time, I withdrew myself from my friends and did not contact any of them. Even though he sent me smses, I didn't bother to reply them..

Slowly I got out of depression (that will be told in another story), and one day for no reason he came into mind and I sent him a sms just to show concern for a friend. I didn't expect to get a reply from him. At first, we chatted as friends for a few days. I was surprised he still remembers my favorite songs in the past (even I had forgotten what was it) and stuff bout me. He hinted to me that he likes me but I was afraid to venture into another relationship. One day, he revealed to me that he was waiting for me during the time that we lost contact. (that'll be 3 years). Though a lot of girls fancied him, he didn't get into any relationships with them just because he believed that I would contact him again one day and that'll be the time that he will tell me that he loves me..He was involved in an accident once and almost died but he told himself to hold on because he have not told me he love me yet...I was touched and though he was a lot younger than me, I accepted his love..

After that we spent lots of happy times together, mostly on the phone..and I even met him several times when he came to Singapore..His plans was to earn enough money and then we would get married and then he would open a cybercafe in Penang and give me a good life..He was working in a pub in Penang then, working for 14 hours everyday and saving up money in order to marry me.. I even had dreams of exchanging vows in a place where there is snow and he promised me that he will make it come true...My friends and colleagues asked me how is it that I can manage to handle a long distance relationship where I dunno whether he would do things behind my back, I told them that I had complete trust in him coz if he wanted to do all these he would not have waited for me for 3 years. (Ya.. V silly right?)

However, one day I received a call from him saying that he has to go into hiding because he has broke the law..And he was gone, leaving me devastated...For half a year I tried to call him to no avail coz his phone would be off all the time.. Therefore I forced myself to forget him..

hmm this true story is not complete... hopefully I'm not too lazy to post part 2 soon

I'm just a normal human being... 80% of the time acting crazy, 20% emo.... Half good and half evil.... My calling as I believe it is to be a counsellor. For I have nothing, except a heart who cares a lot....

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March 2010April 2010June 2010